The No. 4 Kodak Junior took 4 x 5 inch (10 x 13 cm) photos on darkroom loading rollfilm or glass plates. To switch between the two, the photographer had to exchange the back. The camera in the video has its rollfilm back attached.
Quite special in this particular specimen is the dark slide. I have not seen such a dark slide in other No. 4 Kodak Juniors. It is handy, as the photographer could take off the back in daylight without losing a picture.
The high price of $ 50 and the ease of operation put it in the category of expensive snapshooter cameras.
The No. 4 Kodak was made from december 1889 until 1897, during which period 4200 were produced.
Illustration from Buchanan's complete illustrated catalogue, 1893. When the No. 4 Kodak Junior was sold with a plate holder attachment only, without the roll-holder, it was named No. 4 Junior Glass Plate Kodak and it sold for $ 40. (The illustrated camera is a No. 4 Kodak, not a No. 4 Kodak Junior.)